Search results for “half moon”

Giveaway time!

I was over the moon when I checked my blog on Monday 7th Nov morning and saw 1301 followers! I said to myself...well this calls for another giveaway! And what would be a better prize than the Models Own Beetlejuice Collection!

Giveaway starts on 8th November 2011 and ends on 20th December.

Please note that I will be purchasing the polishes at the end of November when Models Own will re-stock the sold out shades. If there will be a problem and they will sell out again before I purchase them or the re-stocking will be delayed, I will be shipping the prize as soon as I purchase it. So beare with me if there is a delay.

Good luck!

Hi everybody,

I've decided to show you some of my recent purchases and swaps.

Nail art haul: I got some more nail art brushes for my adventures, set of dotting tools which I REALLY like and also the Red Angel Nail Art Stamping plates.

Red Angel plates

I've won an Apple Giveaway at Lacky Nails! This is a big thank you to Mona who was hosting this giveaway. I was one of the lucky winners who gets to try some of the Swedish nail polish brands.

Be sure to check her blog, she posts really good swatch pictures!

And the best at the end of the post:  LEGEN......wait for it.......DARY! swap with brazilian beauty Luciana! I was so over the moon when she agreed to do this swap with me because I wanted Brazil polishess for soooo long! You all know them - Hits and Luduranas are making us all drool :D There is Ludurana Emocionante missing in the picture and it is the most beautiful multichrome I've had on my nails so far. Will post soon ;) Thank you Luciana for a really great swaps and thoughtful gifts!